Monday, April 24, 2006

$50 bets

We had a great time at the ocean. Warm, sunny, gale force winds.

Our room looked directly out onto the bay where there were lots
of birds for us birdwatchers.
We had dinner at the historic Tokeland Hotel. Tokeland is at
the end of nowhere. It was a fine meal indeed. The wine was a little pricey.

We went to Bottle Bay, a superb birding site and got insulted by a
German accented wrinkled woman who's spent too much time in the sun.
"You saw the Red Knots, didn't you? There are 4 or 5 of them. You've
got to be keen to see them. Did you see them? You really do need to be keen."
in this snotty voice. We hate birders.
Mrs Dwelf knows a Red Knot when she sees one. We watched the several hundred
bird peep-a-thon for 30 minutes, there were no Red Knots there.

We had pizza at Dugan's in Ocean Shores which is sort of a high priced
white trash town living on tourist bucks during the summer. We haven't
had a purchased pizza in a loooooong time. It was tolerable but just
too much of everything. We like the simple life.

We stopped at Bay City Sausage at the edge of Grayland and bought
as much variable sausage as we could fit in our cooler: andouille,
swedish potato, turkey cranberry, and much more.

So after all is said and done, the froth and her frothman, and
the dwelf and his dwelfess spent time at or on the ocean
and all is well.

No major laws were broken. It was a good week.

Oh, the $50 bets! That'll have to wait for another time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your sojourn sounded wonderful, too. Shoulda punched the beyotch, though. I'll hep ya next time.

The Froth